Blogs by Thomas Johnson


How to Help Your Site Rank Internationally with SEO

If your business sells products or services to people from different countries to yours, or people who speak different languages, then you should definitely consider implementing some form of international SEO strategy. SEO gets your business on the map; international SEO gets your business on the atlas! Become a global powerhouse or simply become accessible How to Help Your Site Rank Internationally with SEO



How to Make Images SEO Friendly

Find out how to make your website images SEO friendly and how this can improve your page speed and website performance.

With well crafted alt tags, choosing the perfect size and using responsive images, you can optimise your website for success. Follow the Blaze Media guide to optimising images for your website today.



How Long for SEO to Take Effect?

Nobody likes waiting for things. Whether it’s for the bus, for pay day, or for SEO results. Unfortunately, waiting is just one of those things that you’ll have to accept. It’s as they say, good things come to those who wait! But seriously, how much time should you expect to spend on your SEO before How Long for SEO to Take Effect?



Are SEO Services Worth It?

Time to revisit our old pal, SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation if you want its full name). SEO is all about making your website more visible to search engine users so you get more traffic. This is all organic too, unlike Google Ads where you pay for every click that you receive. Increasing traffic is Are SEO Services Worth It?



Why UK Businesses Are Focusing on Local SEO

So, local SEO. Where to start? Well, it’s probably best to clear up one of the most complex terms out there for people who don’t know a lot about marketing: SEO. If you don’t already know what SEO is, check out our SEO services page to fill yourself in and then come back here to Why UK Businesses Are Focusing on Local SEO


Here’s what our clients have said about us

They really are experts in their field.

“From initial discussions they were very involved, extremely accommodating and understood exactly what it was we were looking for in our brand development. Bec and her team have enhanced our profiles significantly across multiple platforms, as-well as a newly designed website.

Within a couple of weeks of working together they had transitioned themselves and their content ideas as if they and had known us for years. Their design team have really brought our image to light. Really great team and more importantly a very good bunch of honest, caring people!”

-GL Telecoms

Are you a perfect collaborator? I THINK SO!

“Thank you for the very informative and well-structured SEO and website overview.

This is very helpful information that we will be able to apply moving forward.”

-Roman R

Blaze Media are really on the ball.

“Blaze media are really on the ball with every campaign that we run and are extremely approachable with any queries we may have. We have experienced great return from the work that they implemented and are looking forward to seeing what more we can achieve!”

-Segah Sonlu

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We’re here and ready to talk you through your options and help you really make your mark online.

Get in touch now to chat to one of the team or book a free consultation at a time that works for you.

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