Successful PPC Marketing in Liverpool

PPC (Google Ads) is one of the best paid forms of advertising around. With everyone and their dog using Google, it’s a no brainer that you should be advertising your business on there. Our PPC experts use a data driven approach that will get you in front of your ideal customer.

Start with PPC Today

Disrupt Your Industry With PPC Marketing

Google is the ultimate platform to run your advertising campaigns.

With billions of searches a month, yes that’s billions with a capital B, it’s clear to see why.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to advertise on Google.

You’re only charged by Google when someone clicks your ad. PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising after all!

People who are searching with ‘high purchasing intent’ will be shown your ads so there is a higher chance of them clicking on your ad.

  • Targeted advertising
  • Measurable ROI
  • Customisable Campaigns
  • Cost Control

Why Your Business Needs PPC Advertising

PPC allows your business to use the power of Google to be seen in the organic search results.

Use PPC tactics to your advantage and get a stream of leads and conversions for your business.

A comprehensive PPC strategy can separate you from your competitors.

PPC Gives You Access to The World Market

To PPC or not PPC? That is the question.

Well, we’re here to tell you that it shouldn’t even be a question! Yes, you should be using PPC advertising for your business.

Google isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so the opportunity to use Google Ads to drive your business forward is still there.

Your potential customer is using Google right now as we speak to find a solution to a problem you can fix for them.

Make sure you’re top of their search results!

Start your PPC journey today!

It’s time to start using the power of PPC to ensure your business can grow in an increasingly competitive market.

Get in touch

PPC Services

We offer a full range of Liverpool PPC services to our clients. This can target local customers or worldwide customers.

 Ecommerce Google Ads

Showcase your product listings, highlight special offers and target users who are actively searching for products related to your inventory. Your ecommerce store won’t get visitors if you don’t show up where the shopping is done.

 Service Google Ads

Service-based Google Ads are designed for businesses that offer services rather than physical products. These ads aim to generate leads or direct potential clients to inquire about services.

 Google Ad Account Audits

We’ll conduct a comprehensive review of your existing Google Ads account. Our audits help identify areas for improvement and optimisation. We’ll go through your account with a fine tooth comb so don’t worry!

 Competitor Research

We’ll analyse the strategies and performance of competitors in your space. This includes understanding their ad copy, keyword targeting, bidding strategies, and overall approach. From here we’ll come up with a strategy and help you identify opportunities.

 Keyword Research

Keyword research is a crucial step in PPC advertising. It involves identifying relevant and high-performing keywords for your ads. This process helps ensure that your ads are shown to users actively searching for products or services related to your business.

 Remarketing Campaigns

Don’t let potential customers off the hook that easily. Remarketing campaigns target users who have previously interacted with your website or ads. Remarketing is essential to maximise your PPC campaign results!

 Performance Max Ads

Performance Max (PMax) is an advertising format on Google Ads that allows you to create more visually engaging and automated ads. These ads can appear across various Google properties and networks. This optimises for performance and reaches users at different stages of the customer journey.

 Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads automatically generate ad content based on user behaviour and interests. They showcase products based on your customer's past interactions with your website. This personalised approach could be the difference that allows you to stay ahead of the competition

 Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring involves regularly tracking and analysing the key metrics of your PPC campaigns. With bags of experience, we know what to look out for when monitoring a campaign.


We’ll compile a detailed report of all the relevant data you need to understand how your campaigns are doing. Don’t worry we won’t drown you in numbers and statistics. We like to keep things simple and digestible around here. The simpler the better we say!

 Product Feed Optimisations

We’ll optimise the data feed that contains information about the products you want to advertise. A well-optimised product feed ensures accurate and compelling information is presented in your ads.

Our PPC Advertising Process

The PPC advertising process involves several key steps

We’ve refined and reviewed this process over a period of time and it’s now our winning formula that’s brought success to many of our clients.

We believe it’s important to have a process in PPC advertising otherwise you could be running around like a headless chicken.

So not only trust the process but trust the Blaze process!

Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions relating to PPC.

What is PPC?

PPC is the acronym for ‘pay-per-click’ – a paid advertising strategy whereby you only pay when people interact with your ad through impressions or click.

It’s most commonly used within the realms of paid search ads on Google and, when done correctly, can earn you quality leads which convert into a profitable Return on Investment (ROI).

Does PPC include Google Shopping?

Yes, paid search includes all forms of Google Ads where you have to pay when your ads are clicked.

This includes Google Search ads and Google Shopping ads.

What’s the difference between Google Ads and SEO?

When it comes to Google Ads and SEO there are a couple of significant differences; both of which can play to your strengths depending on what kind of business you have, what you offer and where you are located.

1 – Paid ads always appear at the top of the page – above the organic results which are influenced by SEO. With around four ads on desktop and three on mobile, users will always see your paid search ads, even if they choose to scroll past them.

2 – SEO is technically free whereas you pay for PPC. Why technically? Well SEO takes time and with search engines constantly changing their algorithms, you need to keep on top of these updates otherwise your site will lose ground.

You might be wondering why you would ever pay for ads when you can hit up your audience organically through SEO – well, keywords have become increasingly competitive which makes it harder for a business that doesn’t have the domain authority to get into the top rankings.

That doesn’t mean you should forget about SEO, in fact PPC in Liverpool and SEO work best when used simultaneously.

Results are improved by implementing both paid and organic methods so, if you want high-growth, aggressive marketing, then you need to develop a holistic search engine strategy rather than look at SEO or PPC in isolation.

How do Google Ads work?

Google Ads work by targeting people with a high intent in what you have to offer. These people are easier to get to your website and turn into a lead or a sale.

Think about the last time you needed a plumber. You most probably went to Google and searched something along the lines of ‘plumber near me’, and saw the most relevant paid searches appear at the top.

This is exactly what our Blaze Media team does, we make you visible on Google when someone searches for your product or service. Bringing you high quality traffic with intent.

How do we track the success of a Google Ad campaign?

When it comes to monitoring the success of a paid search campaign, data is king. We use data to keep on top of your campaign to make sure your ads are attracting the right people and that your spend is in line with your budget.

The most straightforward measurement is conversions. Conversions can track any action a brand will find valuable – you determine what this is and it could be anything from someone filling in a form to an actual sale.

In order to monitor conversions, you will need to make sure your web host can support the relevant conversion tracking code and you will need the ability to install the code to your website.

Other metrics that we constantly monitor include:

  • The number of clicks – this is the total number of clicks you receive on your ad. This metric is affected by your keyword selection and the relevance of your ad copy.
  • Cost per click (CPC) – this measures the price you pay for each click on your ad.
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Start your PPC journey today!

It’s time to start using the power of PPC to ensure your business can grow in an increasingly competitive market.

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What PPC KPI’s to Look Out For

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