Inflata Nation Colindale Social Media

The Brief

Inflata Nation Colindale is an inflatable theme park based in London. It offers fun and unique days out for the whole family. The park offers countless exciting activities, making it a hotspot for fun seekers. 

Though the company already entertained hundreds every week, we knew that it had the potential to expand. While we saw great success with our meta campaigns, we knew that creating a strong organic social media presence to support was going to elevate the business even further and help to create an access point for their growing customer base. 

Whilst the results showed a considerable improvement, our social team was able to identify opportunities to increase brand awareness and follower engagement.

The Process

We wanted to show a more people-forward side of the business, so it was essential that we separate paid media from organic content. Making the content more human was crucial for a company offering such family-friendly activities.

One of the first things we set out to do was a visual refresh. We wanted the branding to be relevant to the brand without being mistaken for just another ad. Due to the business style, there was plenty of audience-created content ready to be repurposed. Not only did this offer a consumer-forward perspective on the business, but it aligned well with the brand’s message of family-first fun. 

The Results

Thanks to the strategies issued by the Blaze team, Inflata Nation’s social media presence  substantially changed in just one month. Engagement across platforms went up by 107%, thanks to consumer forward posts and a visual refresh. 

Impressions were also up across platforms, meaning more and more people are finding out about Inflata Nation and booking in.



Increased Impressions



Increased Engaged Users



Increased Engagement



Increased Likes



Increased Engagement Rate



Increased Impressions

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