Technical SEO Services

Reduce friction with your customers through a well-structured technical SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) strategy.

At Blaze Media, we have technical SEO experts who use the latest SEO standards to drive organic growth and conversion rates for your business.

Discover Your Website's Technical SEO Recommendations

What is Technical SEO?

We get it, technical SEO sounds a bit daunting. But don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple. 

Technical SEO aims to improve your website’s technical factors to increase its rankings and visibility.

Many different aspects contribute to technical SEO and each business or website will require different strategies. 

But in general, you’ll see an improvement in:

  • Page speed. 
  • Crawl efficiency. 
  • Search engine visibility.
  • Mobile usability. 
  • And much more!

Allowing your website to communicate with search engines more effectively. No matter where you are on your business journey, you need to consider technical SEO.

New sites often need a scalable structure to reduce expansion costs further down the line.  Whilst established brands may want to expand into new regions and need to make a quicker impact in those areas.

Check out our technical SEO services below.

What Technical SEO services do we offer?

We live in a digital world where most businesses operate online. But more importantly, it’s where your customers are.

Reach out to these customers with a Liverpool Technical SEO strategy that will constantly put your business in the top search results.

Technical SEO Liverpool can help your business in so many ways. See how our Liverpool SEO team can help you optimise your technical SEO today!

How can Technical SEO help you?

No matter where you are in your business journey, having technical SEO in mind can help you set up your business for success. 

Our experts can help you find the perfect technical SEO strategy for your business goals.

By implementing an effective SEO strategy, your organic marketing will be more effective and efficient. 

Imagine creating a new service page and search engines can’t see them. How will customers find out about these new services?

That’s how we help. 

With a clear structure, optimised site speed and efficient crawl ability, your website will be in front of all the right people. 

Helping you improve conversion rates and boost revenue.

Unleash your website’s full potential with our technical SEO services

Drive organic growth and increase conversion rates with our trusted technical SEO strategy.  Get in touch with our team online today.

Get in touch

The Blaze Technical SEO Process

Here is the SEO process that we follow to get our clients world class results.

We’re firm believers in following a proven process. That’s why we’ve spent hundreds of hours refining and perfecting our unique SEO process.

This process has proved to help businesses no matter where they are in their SEO journey. So whether you’ve never even heard the term SEO before or you’ve tried it before this process will help you.

Frequently asked questions

Technical SEO Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between technical SEO and on-page SEO?

Technical SEO is a general term that refers to the performance and effectiveness of a website.

Whereas on-page SEO refers to individual page performance usually targeted around specific keywords and other SEO practices.

On-page SEO and technical SEO are not mutually exclusive and should both be incorporated into any effective SEO strategy alongside outreach. 

Is technical SEO difficult?

Technical SEO always sounds daunting, but it’s not.

There are usually some initial areas to look at for technical SEO performance and once we understand your pain points and strengths, we can effectively create a technical SEO strategy that works for you.

How do you implement technical SEO?

As mentioned above, technical SEO is all about prioritising.

A technical SEO audit may throw up hundreds or even thousands of issues, but our experts can sift through this data and find the most effective places to start so that you can have the biggest impact on your site.

What is the impact of technical SEO?

The impact of technical SEO comes down to where you start. If your website is fully set to no index, we could have an immediate impact drawing traffic to your website instantly. However, some businesses will see a slower impact.

At Blaze, we’ll always be honest with you and manage your expectations, which is why running an in-depth technical SEO audit is our first step.

From there, we can strategise how to target your site effectively and tell you how we think this is going to impact your site.

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Start your Technical SEO journey today!

It’s finally time to take action and get your site SEO optimised so you can start showing up in the search rankings.

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