Social Media Marketing that Doesn’t Suck

With social media sucking up attention like a brand new vacuum, there’s no excuse for your business not to be using it. Our team of social media agency experts can design innovative strategies that will turn your followers into loyal lifelong customers.

Get Started with Social Media Marketing

Social Media Agency in Liverpool

Back in the early 90s when social media was first invented, not many people would predict the influence it has today.

Users across the globe are all connected through shared laughter of comical memes and heartfelt pictures of their 90 year old nan riding a scooter.

Meme and nans aside, the power social media has for businesses is nothing short of astounding.

Billions of pounds are traded today on these platforms thanks to the marketing capabilities. An opportunity that you should be grabbing with both hands for your own business.

  • Increased Brand Awareness.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing.
  • Targeted Advertising.
  • Audience Engagement.

Turn Followers into Customers

Social media is used the world over by billions of people.

Use social media marketing to your advantage and get a stream of leads and conversions for your business.

A well planned social media marketing strategy can help separate you from your competitors.

Professional Content Shoots to Showcase Your Business

Without stunning content, a great social media strategy will only get you so far. 

We offer half and full day content shoots to build a library of incredible photos and videos that tell your story and showcase your brand.

A pre-shoot brief will give you the chance to tell us exactly what you’re after, and give us the opportunity to advise what type of content will perform strongest.

From interviews to product shots, still images to short form video. Every shoot is unique and tailored exactly to your marketing needs. We'll ensure each piece of content captured perfectly aligns to your wider marketing strategy.

Get Social or Get Left Behind

Back in 2006 if your business wasn’t on social media you could probably have gotten away with it.

Not in today’s dopamine-fueled world. If you aren’t using social media for your business you’re potentially leaving thousands on the table.

And if you’re currently on social media and still posting selfies of you and your dog then it’s time to get a real strategy in place.

One that will help you turn your channel into a cash-converting machine.

Start your social media marketing journey today!

It’s time to start using the power of social media to ensure your business can stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

Get in touch

Social Media Marketing Services

We offer a full range of social media marketing services to our clients.

 Account Management

Let us take care of the day-to-day activities and responsibilities that come with running a successful social media account. We’ll make sure your content is ready-to-go, optimised and strategically scheduled to gain maximum exposure with your followers and wider audience.

 Community Management

These days it’s not enough to simply upload a post to Instagram and shut the app. To gain maximum content results, grow your audience and build your social presence, community engagement is key! Our research will indicate exactly which accounts in your industry you should be following and engaging with. We can monitor incoming social interactions and ensure they’re dealt with swiftly and professionally, keeping your brand voice centre stage.

 Social Media Auditing

The perfect solution if you haven’t quite been able to nail your social media. We'll deep dive into your current analytics, identify areas for improvement and missed opportunities. We can tell you what’s working, what’s not and - most importantly - WHY. This essential information will provide us with the foundations for building your wicked new social strategy that will maximise results.

 Social Media Strategy

So you’ve finally agreed on your social media goals, but how do we get you there? Using data from your current social metrics, audience info, competitor analysis, current trends and our knowledge of never-ending algorithm updates, we’ll devise a plan that will ensure every piece of content aligns to your business objectives and reaps maximum results. Social media is a rapidly changing and sometimes scary place, we’ll be on top of your strategy with regular reviews and revisions so you never get left behind.

 Influencer Marketing

It’s hard to ignore the impact of influencer endorsements in today’s society. Our team can provide a full-service influencer marketing campaign, from identifying content creators respected by your target audience, to building an outreach list and liaising with the influencers themselves. We'll help you collaborate with relevant, trusted digital creators to increase your band visibility.

 Social Post Visual Creation

Social posts are more than just writing engaging content. People like to see visuals that blow their socks off when they see them pop up on their screens. We’ll help you do just that with the help of our creative geniuses here at Blaze HQ.

 Account Set Up and Optimisation

If you aren’t set up already we’ll get you set up and firing on all cylinders ready to take on the social sphere! This includes adding relevant information, choosing appropriate profile and cover images, and configuring settings to maximise visibility and engagement. No mirror selfies or cheesy one-liners will be used during this process.

 Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring in social media marketing involves tracking and analysing key metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your social media efforts. This includes metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, click-through rates, and conversions. Monitoring helps us understand what is working well and what needs improvement.

 Competitor Research

We’ll analyse the strategies, content, and engagement levels of your competitors on social media platforms. This helps us understand the competitive landscape, identify opportunities, and refine our social media strategy.


This can include regular reports on key performance indicators, insights into audience behaviour, and recommendations for future strategies. We like to provide clear and actionable reports to help demonstrate the impact of your social media. We get rid of the fluff and give you the data that matters!

Our Social Media Marketing Process

The social media marketing process involves several key steps.

We’ve refined and reviewed this process over some time and it’s now our winning formula that’s brought success to many of our clients.

We believe it’s important to have a process when it comes to social media otherwise you’re sure to head for disaster and lacklustre results.

So not only trust the process but trust the Blaze process!

Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions relating to social media marketing.

Does my business need social media?

You can run a business without a social media presence but why wouldn’t you include it in your marketing plan when, according to Hootsuite, over 15 people sign up to one platform or another every single second?!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small independent running from your home office in Liverpool or a large multi-national brand, social media matters.

It gives you the ability to connect directly with your target customers, gain valuable insights into their interests and habits, increase brand awareness, help generate more leads and, with that, an increase in revenue.

Still not sure? There are now 5.4 billion social media users around the world, which is 62.3% of the world’s population. Can you really afford to stay away?

How do I know which social media platform to use?

Once you’ve decided to embrace social media and all it has to offer, you now need to decide which platforms you want to use. Your decision shouldn’t be made on which one you enjoy the most but the one where you will find your target audience and that reflects the messaging you want to put out to the world.

Research has shown that the five most valuable social media platforms are:

Facebook – officially the world’s most popular and profitable social media channel, Facebook is now responsible for nearly half of the internet traffic so it’s important to ensure your Facebook presence is both effective and appropriate.

Instagram – number one for image sharing, businesses now market themselves as being ‘instagrammable’. It’s gained a lot of credibility in recent years for its powerful digital marketing capabilities. Hashtags, saves, location tags and other functions make this platform a necessity for any business wanting to stay ahead.

X (formerly known as twitter)– keeping things short, snappy and to the point, X is perfect for short bursts of information and for searching out and connecting with celebrities and influencers alike. Hashtags and reposts are key marketing points for this platform.

Linkedin – it used to be the stomping ground for recruiters but over the years, Linkedin has become an essential tool for every business and business owner. A well curated, active presence can improve sales, generate leads and connect you to prospective clients, possible employees and industry leaders.

Do I really need a social media plan?

If you’ve set up a social media account but don’t make a plan and carry it out then you may as well not bother.

While the potential that lies within social media is huge, so too are the challenges. It’s an ever-changing beast and each platform comes with its own algorithms, rules and restrictions which are regularly changed which means you need to keep on top of them.

It’s a crowded and noisy space with more and more businesses vying for our attention with 97% of small businesses using social media to grow and raise awareness.

You should be using your channels to share your brand’s voice – delivering engaging and fresh content and interacting with your followers.

A new customer may stumble upon your Instagram feed if they’re an avid Instagram user or a customer might be more likely to become a repeat purchaser if your online brand presence becomes more consistent and recognisable.

It’s also proven that brands who regularly post and engage on social media channels receive higher loyalty from their customers, as well as being exposed to new clients.

Do you need help setting up, developing and delivering a successful social media plan? Contact our Liverpool social media marketing team now.

How do I measure how well my social media is going?

If you’ve got your channels set up, worked out a plan and started posting and engaging with users then the next step is to monitor and manage your accounts – paying particular attention to what you want your audience to do with your content. Are you trying to get them to read, share, reply, click, purchase, engage?

What you monitor depends mainly on what your goal is for the platforms you have chosen – if you’re trying to measure engagement then its the number of comments you get? Saves? Retweets?

If you’re looking at awareness then it’s all about reach and volume while if you’re looking at driving traffic to your website then you need to be looking at button clicks…are people following a path through to your site and what are they doing when they land there?

By choosing Blaze Media to manage and run your social media marketing campaigns, you will get a monthly report from your account manager who will talk you through all the key metrics.

Can I do it myself or do I need a social media agency?

Curating a successful and profitable social media presence isn’t as simple as shoving out loads of content and hoping for the best.

Your profile needs to be optimised for each platform, making sure your logo and branding is front and centre. Contact details, buttons and bios are written well with relevant hashtags where necessary… and that’s before you start generating original, valuable and engaging content.

Graphics, video and the written content are equally as important to the success of your social media plan so you’ll need to become a graphic designer, content writer and filmmaker in order to deliver content that cuts through the crowd.

Add to that the constant monitoring of your key metrics, generating new ideas and keeping on top of the changes that can appear in rules and algorithms overnight. It’s more than a full-time job and a lot more than most business owners can manage.

You might look to farm certain tasks out among your team but then you have the worry of consistency. Having a consistent message and appearance across all of your platforms can boost revenue by over 20%.

Engaging a social media agency like our Liverpool based marketing team can prove invaluable both in terms of saving you time and stress.

As a full-service social media agency, collaboration between our in-house team ensures a seamless, consistent and engaging strategy that will deliver the results you want.

contact us blaze media

Start your social media marketing journey today!

It’s time to start using the power of social media to ensure your business can stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

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