Blogs by Conor Norwood


SEO Metrics That Matter

Find out which SEO metrics really matter and how they can help you influence your organic strategy to drive better results.

With these 7 key metrics you can focus your time on the things that matter and don’t need to worry about vanity metrics that everyone loves to talk about online. Your way to create a data driven SEO strategy.



What is Threads?

In the marketing world things never stay boring. At the start of July Lord Zuckerberg released the much anticipated Threads platform. Seen as a direct competitor to Twitter, Threads promises to give an interesting dynamic to the social media world. And with well over 100 million users on the platform within the first week and What is Threads?



How to Create a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

Get your business noticed with our 5 simple steps to a successful content marketing strategy.

With clear goals and competitor research, you can make your brand stand out in your industry and give you a more trusted platform that delivers valuable content to your customers every time. Craft your content strategy online today.



7 Signs That Tell You it’s Time for a New Website

“Creating a new website can be a time-consuming and expensive process, but sometimes it can make all the difference for your business.

Check our guide to fins out what are the signals that your website might need a refresh and what are the things that you can do to ensure your new website is set up for more sales and lead generation.



9 Benefits of Outsourcing your Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can help your business reach new heights by selling more products and giving your brand more exposure.  The digital marketing world can be daunting and scary to business owners. Maybe it’s because they have zero experience or they simply don’t understand the fancy jargon that comes along with it. I mean who is 9 Benefits of Outsourcing your Digital Marketing



6 Tips for Writing an Effective Headline For Your Copy

Discover 6 tips to writing an effective headline for your copy.

Headlines have the power to engage your visitors and drive them to find out more about the information and services you are offering. With these 6 steps, you will be able to write effective copy that can engage visitors and guide them on their purchase journey.



Paid Social Trends for 2023

Advertising has been around for hundreds of years. Ever since the first newspaper was printed, ads have been present. Now they have flourished into all aspects of our society. You can’t walk down the street without an advert popping out at you. Those Big Mac billboards are too hard to resist! They’re all designed to Paid Social Trends for 2023



Why Video Content Marketing is Vital for Your Business

Video content is everywhere. We can’t scroll on our phones for less than 30 seconds without laying eyes on some video content that leaves us either sad, happy or just downright confused. If you’re a business owner and you’re not using video in your marketing strategy then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. In Why Video Content Marketing is Vital for Your Business



8 SEO Trends To look Out For in 2023

The weird and wonderful world of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is an ever changing landscape that can be, quite frankly, a minefield. The reason for this is because there is always an algorithm change that those pesky folk at Google make on a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis. The rise of new technologies and innovations 8 SEO Trends To look Out For in 2023



How to Increase Your Email Conversions

With all the new types of marketing available in the digital age, you might view email as a bit old hat. While email might be the grandad of digital marketing, it’s still king when it comes to its effectiveness. Email marketing continues to offer some of the highest conversion rates, the trouble is that you How to Increase Your Email Conversions



GA4: What You Need to Know if You Track Your Analytics

Google has released their fourth version of Google Analytics which is called Google Analytics 4.  Such an original name, I know! Can you guess what the previous version was called? You guessed it, version 3 (pretends to be shocked). Although it was commonly referred to by its other name, Universal Analytics. In this post we’ll GA4: What You Need to Know if You Track Your Analytics



Using Humour in your Digital Marketing Strategy

You may think that marketing consists of vanilla content that needs to be corporate and ultra professional. That may have been the case 50 years ago but in today’s digital age, marketing has a wider scope. Companies are always trying to find an edge over their competitors when it comes to marketing campaigns. Using humour Using Humour in your Digital Marketing Strategy


Here’s what our clients have said about us

They really are experts in their field.

“From initial discussions they were very involved, extremely accommodating and understood exactly what it was we were looking for in our brand development. Bec and her team have enhanced our profiles significantly across multiple platforms, as-well as a newly designed website.

Within a couple of weeks of working together they had transitioned themselves and their content ideas as if they and had known us for years. Their design team have really brought our image to light. Really great team and more importantly a very good bunch of honest, caring people!”

-GL Telecoms

Are you a perfect collaborator? I THINK SO!

“Thank you for the very informative and well-structured SEO and website overview.

This is very helpful information that we will be able to apply moving forward.”

-Roman R

Blaze Media are really on the ball.

“Blaze media are really on the ball with every campaign that we run and are extremely approachable with any queries we may have. We have experienced great return from the work that they implemented and are looking forward to seeing what more we can achieve!”

-Segah Sonlu

Contact Us

Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level?

We’re here and ready to talk you through your options and help you really make your mark online.

Get in touch now to chat to one of the team or book a free consultation at a time that works for you.

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