
Browse through our wide selection of blog content which dives into a wide range of digital marketing topics.

15 May 2023

GA4: What You Need to Know if You Track Your Analytics

Google has released their fourth version of Google Analytics which is called Google Analytics 4.  Such an original name, I know! Can you guess what the previous version was called? You guessed it, version 3 (pretends to be shocked). Although it was commonly referred to by its other name, Universal Analytics. In this post we’ll ... How Long for SEO to Take Effect?



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15 September 2021

How Long for SEO to Take Effect?

Nobody likes waiting for things. Whether it’s for the bus, for pay day, or for SEO results. Unfortunately, waiting is just one of those things that you’ll have to accept. It’s as they say, good things come to those who wait! But seriously, how much time should you expect to spend on your SEO before How Long for SEO to Take Effect?


7 September 2021

Consistency in Social Media Marketing

How annoying is it when your favourite show suddenly ends and then you’ve got nothing to watch at 9pm on Friday nights anymore? That’s because you’ve become reliant on turning on the TV, getting comfy and flicking to your channel to watch your show. It’s like a little mini ritual. The same thing applies to Consistency in Social Media Marketing


2 September 2021

How Much Does Web Design Cost in the UK?

Anybody who’s starting a business has wondered what website design in the UK costs. When you’re starting a small business, you might not have all the money in the world to throw at it and so you’re looking for the best service that you can get for the lowest price. While it’s understandable that you’d How Much Does Web Design Cost in the UK?


25 August 2021

How to Increase PPC Conversions

So you’re thinking about PPC but need to know how to get the most bang for your buck? Check out our guide to increasing PPC conversions and how to get the most out of your advertising budget.

Follow these simple steps to keep your message clear, provide more value and drive more conversions from your PPC ad strategy.


19 August 2021

Are SEO Services Worth It?

Time to revisit our old pal, SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation if you want its full name). SEO is all about making your website more visible to search engine users so you get more traffic. This is all organic too, unlike Google Ads where you pay for every click that you receive. Increasing traffic is Are SEO Services Worth It?


16 August 2021

Why is brand consistency important?

Every person who represents your business, in any way, must embody your brand and respect the guidelines that come with it – as well as understanding that it builds brand recognition which can be the difference between a stack of sales or no sales at all.


11 August 2021

How much does PPC cost in the UK?

Get ready for a blog post filled with acronyms! Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the best ways to quickly make your website visible to your target audience. When you search something on Google (other search engines are available!), the first few results you see on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) will How much does PPC cost in the UK?


3 August 2021

How to Run a Successful Social Media Campaign

Coming up with a killer product, service, or deal that people will love can be hard enough without even considering that you’ve then got to tell people about said product or deal. This is where social media marketing services come in to make your job easier. Every social media platform can be seen as an How to Run a Successful Social Media Campaign


26 July 2021

Why WordPress is so Popular for Liverpool Businesses

WordPress… if you’re in the marketing industry then no doubt you already know all about it. But what about those of you who aren’t? Maybe you’re preparing to start your own small business, maybe you want to take your current ecommerce site to the next level, either way you should be aware of the absolute Why WordPress is so Popular for Liverpool Businesses


21 July 2021

Why UK Businesses Are Focusing on Local SEO

So, local SEO. Where to start? Well, it’s probably best to clear up one of the most complex terms out there for people who don’t know a lot about marketing: SEO. If you don’t already know what SEO is, check out our SEO services page to fill yourself in and then come back here to Why UK Businesses Are Focusing on Local SEO


9 June 2021

How To Calculate Your PPC Budget

If you’re wondering how to calculate your PPC budget, then there are a few things you need to consider and some tasks to undertake before you even begin considering how much to spend. Any form of advertising can be seen as a gamble, and you want to do all you can to reduce the risk How To Calculate Your PPC Budget


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They really are experts in their field.

“From initial discussions they were very involved, extremely accommodating and understood exactly what it was we were looking for in our brand development. Bec and her team have enhanced our profiles significantly across multiple platforms, as-well as a newly designed website.

Within a couple of weeks of working together they had transitioned themselves and their content ideas as if they and had known us for years. Their design team have really brought our image to light. Really great team and more importantly a very good bunch of honest, caring people!”

-GL Telecoms

Are you a perfect collaborator? I THINK SO!

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This is very helpful information that we will be able to apply moving forward.”

-Roman R

Blaze Media are really on the ball.

“Blaze media are really on the ball with every campaign that we run and are extremely approachable with any queries we may have. We have experienced great return from the work that they implemented and are looking forward to seeing what more we can achieve!”

-Segah Sonlu

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