3 November 2021
Using social media for your business can lead you on a merry dance, swinging from feeling like a marketing genius to a cringe-inducing mess in 5 swipes. You can either create a reputation that cultivates repeat paying customers, or you can give people fuel that they’ll use to leave you bad reviews. At the end … How Can Businesses use Social Media to Communicate with Customers?
22 October 2021
Liverpool City Centre is full of wonderful and fantastic independent businesses! With the use of social media, they can produce amazing content to show off their products and services to their followers. At Blaze Media, we love sharing local businesses and today we have the pleasure of bringing you our Top 10 Social Media Stars … Top 10 Social Media Stars in Liverpool City Centre!
6 October 2021
It’s the year 1998. You come home from work, open the front door and flick through the host of newspapers, postcards, and leaflets posted through your letterbox, keeping some that catch your eye. Fast forward to 2021, and when most people walk through the front door they instantly throw away all that junk mail. For … Advantages of Social Media Marketing over Traditional Marketing
7 September 2021
How annoying is it when your favourite show suddenly ends and then you’ve got nothing to watch at 9pm on Friday nights anymore? That’s because you’ve become reliant on turning on the TV, getting comfy and flicking to your channel to watch your show. It’s like a little mini ritual. The same thing applies to … Consistency in Social Media Marketing
3 August 2021
Coming up with a killer product, service, or deal that people will love can be hard enough without even considering that you’ve then got to tell people about said product or deal. This is where social media marketing services come in to make your job easier. Every social media platform can be seen as an … How to Run a Successful Social Media Campaign
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